Lactate Profile - Running
On arrival, we will have a brief consultation where we will explore your current training and performance goals. There will be plenty of time to discuss the protocol and ask any questions before starting the assessment. We will then take a resting heart rate and fingerprick blood lactate sample. Following a short, easy warm-up (~10 minutes), we will start your lactate profile assessment at a low intensity. This will be identified in advance of your test using current training speeds, recent PBs or race times. You will then complete a series of 4-5 minute intervals. At the end of each interval we will obtain measures of heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and blood lactate concentration (via fingerprick blood sample). Running speed will be increased at the end of each interval and the test will continue until we are confident that your LT2 intensity has been reached. The last interval will feel hard but it is by no means a max effort. This test will be completed in our indoor laboratory using our Nordic Track treadmill. Report We will use the information collected during your assessment (heart rate, RPE and blood lactate) to produce a detailed physiological report. The report will be sent to you within 2 days of your test and will include: • A clear definition of your training zones. This can be based on a model you are familiar with. We take a holistic approach to training zone identification using pace, HR and RPE. • Guidance on 'race pace' or 'completion time' for any upcoming event such as a half-marathon or race or simply just smashing your Parkrun PB. • Suggestions and examples of training sessions which will help address limitations within your lactate profile and enable you to achieve your goals. Who is it for? A lactate profile assessment is appropriate for runners of all abilities who are looking to gain an understanding of their performance capabilities and how to maximise their training effectiveness. It is a valuable tool to help you understand your specific training zones, overcome training plateaus and optimise your performance.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours before your appointment.
Contact Details
Indoor Studio, Dore